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Fusion 5.10
    Fusion 5.10

    Zendesk V1 Connector Configuration Reference

    The Zendesk connector uses the Zendesk REST API to retrieve tickets and their associated comments and attachments from a Zendesk repository.

    V1 deprecation and removal notice

    Starting in Fusion 5.12.0, all V1 connectors are deprecated. This means they are no longer being actively developed and will be removed in Fusion 5.13.0.

    The replacement for this connector is in active development at this time and will be released at a future date.

    If you are using this connector, you must migrate to the replacement connector or a supported alternative before upgrading to Fusion 5.13.0. We recommend migrating to the replacement connector as soon as possible to avoid any disruption to your workflows.

    It retrieves all tickets with all fields (such as customer, assignee, priority, status, and so on) as well as access restrictions for users and groups. ACLs can be used for security trimming at query time. The types of items retrieved are:

    • tickets and their associated metrics: for example, time elapsed until first response, time to close.

    • ticket comment counts, comment IDs

    • ticket comment attachment URLs

    Items retrieved are returned as individual Solr documents, therefore, for a given Zendesk ticket, there will be multiple documents:

    • the Zendesk ticket itself

    • one document per comment

    • one document per comment attachment

    Documents have fields for Zendesk type and reference field to parent documents. For example, a comment document will have field ticket_id pointing back to the Zendesk ticket.

    Incremental recrawls allow updates to the Fusion collection to add new tickets and record further changes to existing tickets without having to retrieve the entire Zendesk repository contents.


    The Zendesk user must have administrator privileges to retrieve all tickets and associated information. All communication with the Zendesk API is encrypted with SSL.

    A Zendesk data source must be configured with the following properties:

    • Authentication Key. The username or email.

    • Authentication Value. The password or API token.

    • Token Auth. A flag to indicate whether the auth key/value should be treated as username/password or email/token

    • Base URL. The API URL to an instance of the Zendesk API

    • Organization ID. Set to restrict indexing to only tickets that belong to the Organization


    It retrieves all tickets with all fields (such as customer, assignee, priority, status, and so on) as well as access restrictions for users and groups. ACLs can be used for security trimming at query time. The types of items retrieved are:

    • tickets and their associated metrics: for example, time elapsed until first response, time to close.

    • ticket comment counts, comment IDs

    • ticket comment attachment URLs

    Items retrieved are returned as individual Solr documents, therefore, for a given Zendesk ticket, there will be multiple documents:

    • the Zendesk ticket itself

    • one document per comment

    • one document per comment attachment

    Documents have fields for Zendesk type and reference field to parent documents. For example, a comment document will have field ticket_id pointing back to the Zendesk ticket.

    Incremental recrawls allow updates to the Fusion collection to add new tickets and record further changes to existing tickets without having to retrieve the entire Zendesk repository contents.

    Configuration Properties

    When entering configuration values in the UI, use unescaped characters, such as \t for the tab character. When entering configuration values in the API, use escaped characters, such as \\t for the tab character.

    Connector to index Zendesk tickets, ticket attachments, and ticket comments.

    description - string

    Optional description for this datasource.

    id - stringrequired

    Unique name for this datasource.

    >= 1 characters

    Match pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$

    parserId - string

    Parser used when parsing raw content. Retry parsing setting is available under crawl performance (advance setting)

    Default: _system

    pipeline - stringrequired

    Name of an existing index pipeline for processing documents.

    >= 1 characters

    properties - Properties

    Datasource configuration properties

    article_containers - array[object]

    Specify the Category or Section Id to retrieve articles from. Don't add entries to index all articles from all categories

    object attributes:{container_id required : {
     display name: Container Id
     type: string
    container_type required : {
     display name: Container Type
     type: string

    auth_key - string

    An email address of a valid Zendesk user which must have an admin role.

    >= 1 characters

    auth_value - string

    This value can be a user password, or an API token. If an API token is used, the Token Auth must be set to true.

    base_url - string

    A properly formatted v2 Zendesk API URL. Example: https://yourcompany.zendesk.com/api/v2

    db - Connector DB

    Type and properties for a ConnectorDB implementation to use with this datasource.

    aliases - boolean

    Keep track of original URI-s that resolved to the current URI. This negatively impacts performance and size of DB.

    Default: false

    inlinks - boolean

    Keep track of incoming links. This negatively impacts performance and size of DB.

    Default: false

    inv_aliases - boolean

    Keep track of target URI-s that the current URI resolves to. This negatively impacts performance and size of DB.

    Default: false

    type - string

    Fully qualified class name of ConnectorDb implementation.

    >= 1 characters

    Default: com.lucidworks.connectors.db.impl.MapDbConnectorDb

    enable_security_trimming - Enable Security Trimming

    Enable indexing and query-time security-trimming of Zendesk articles. Zendesk tickets and ticket comments don't support security trimming, these will be public by default

    index_article_attachments - boolean

    If enabled, article attachments will be retrieved

    Default: false

    index_articles - boolean

    If enabled, Help Center articles will be indexed using settings on Article Container section

    Default: false

    index_tickets - boolean

    If enabled, tickets will be indexed

    Default: true

    initial_mapping - Initial field mapping

    Provides mapping of fields before documents are sent to an index pipeline.

    condition - string

    Define a conditional script that must result in true or false. This can be used to determine if the stage should process or not.

    label - string

    A unique label for this stage.

    <= 255 characters

    mappings - array[object]

    List of mapping rules

    object attributes:{operation : {
     display name: Operation
     type: string
    source required : {
     display name: Source Field
     type: string
    target : {
     display name: Target Field
     type: string

    reservedFieldsMappingAllowed - boolean

    Default: false

    skip - boolean

    Set to true to skip this stage.

    Default: false

    unmapped - Unmapped Fields

    If fields do not match any of the field mapping rules, these rules will apply.

    operation - string

    The type of mapping to perform: move, copy, delete, add, set, or keep.

    Default: copy

    Allowed values: copymovedeletesetaddkeep

    source - string

    The name of the field to be mapped.

    target - string

    The name of the field to be mapped to.

    organization_id - string

    The ID of a Zendesk Organization. This optional setting will allow the Connector to skip records that don't have the same Organization ID.

    page_size - integer

    The number of items to be retrieved on each call. Maximum value is 100

    >= 1

    <= 100

    exclusiveMinimum: false

    exclusiveMaximum: false

    Default: 100

    proxy_password - string

    Proxy server password.

    proxy_url - string

    HTTP(S) proxy server URL.

    proxy_username - string

    Proxy server username/login.

    security_trimming_cache_timeout - integer

    Security trimming cache timeout in seconds.

    Default: 3600

    use_token_auth - boolean

    Used to determine how the authentication credentials will be formatted. If set to true, the auth_key value will be formatted according to the Zendesk token auth specifications (<email>/<token>).

    Default: true

    zendesk_account_plan - string

    Zendesk applies plan-specific rate limits to API requests. Check https://developer.zendesk.com/rest_api/docs/core/introduction#rate-limits for more information.

    Default: essential

    Allowed values: essentialteamprofessionalenterprisehigh_volume