SolrXML V1 Connector Configuration Reference
The SolrXML connector indexes XML files formatted according to Solr’s XML structure.
It is not a generic XML file crawler; it can only index SolrXML-formatted documents.
Deprecation and removal notice
This connector is deprecated as of Fusion 4.2 and is removed or expected to be removed as of Fusion 5.0. Use the Solr V1 connector instead.
When entering configuration values in the UI, use unescaped characters, such as \t for the tab character. When entering configuration values in the API, use escaped characters, such as \\t for the tab character.
Connector to index XML files formatted according to Solr's XML structure. This connector can only index SolrXML formatted documents and is not a generic XML file crawler. Per the Solr standard, all XML files must include the <add> tag in order for the documents to be added to the index.
description - string
Optional description for this datasource.
id - stringrequired
Unique name for this datasource.
>= 1 characters
Match pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$
pipeline - stringrequired
Name of an existing index pipeline for processing documents.
>= 1 characters
properties - Properties
Datasource configuration properties
commit_on_finish - boolean
Set to true for a request to be sent to Solr after the last batch has been fetched to commit the documents to the index.
Default: true
db - Connector DB
Type and properties for a ConnectorDB implementation to use with this datasource.
aliases - boolean
Keep track of original URI-s that resolved to the current URI. This negatively impacts performance and size of DB.
Default: false
inlinks - boolean
Keep track of incoming links. This negatively impacts performance and size of DB.
Default: false
inv_aliases - boolean
Keep track of target URI-s that the current URI resolves to. This negatively impacts performance and size of DB.
Default: false
type - string
Fully qualified class name of ConnectorDb implementation.
>= 1 characters
Default: com.lucidworks.connectors.db.impl.MapDbConnectorDb
exclude_paths - array[string]
An array of regular expression patterns that indicate documents to be excluded from the index. Multiple expressions can be separated by commas.
generate_unique_key - boolean
If true, a unique identifier will be added to each document. In most cases, this is an 'id' field, unless it was changed in your implementation. If your documents already include an ID field, you can set this to false.
Default: true
include_datasource_metadata - boolean
Set True to add '_lw_data_source_s' and '_lw_data_source_type_s' fields to each document in addition to fields found in the file. These fields will ensure these documents are associated with this datasource for faceting, information shown in the UI, or later document removal.
Default: true
include_paths - array[string]
An array of regular expression patterns that indicate documents to be included in the index. Multiple expressions can be separated by commas.
Default: ".*\\.xml"
initial_mapping - Initial field mapping
Provides mapping of fields before documents are sent to an index pipeline.
condition - string
Define a conditional script that must result in true or false. This can be used to determine if the stage should process or not.
label - string
A unique label for this stage.
<= 255 characters
mappings - array[object]
List of mapping rules
object attributes:{operation
: {
display name: Operation
type: string
required : {
display name: Source Field
type: string
: {
display name: Target Field
type: string
reservedFieldsMappingAllowed - boolean
Default: false
skip - boolean
Set to true to skip this stage.
Default: false
unmapped - Unmapped Fields
If fields do not match any of the field mapping rules, these rules will apply.
operation - string
The type of mapping to perform: move, copy, delete, add, set, or keep.
Default: copy
Allowed values: copymovedeletesetaddkeep
source - string
The name of the field to be mapped.
target - string
The name of the field to be mapped to.
max_docs - integer
The maximum number of documents to crawl. Use -1 to index all documents found.
Default: -1
path - string
Name of the file to read, or directory containing files to read.
>= 1 characters
verify_access - boolean
Set to true to require successful connection to the filesystem before saving this datasource.
Default: true