Legacy Product

Fusion 5.10
    Fusion 5.10

    Drupal Fusion V2 Connector Configuration Reference

    Table of Contents

    The Drupal Fusion Connector integrates Drupal 8/9 with Lucidworks Fusion to index content for search.

    For the Drupal 7 connector, see Drupal 7.x Connector Configuration Reference.

    This connector requires Drupal’s Lucidworks Fusion module to be installed on the Drupal instance before use. Refer to this page to install the module: https://www.drupal.org/project/lucidworksfusion. After installing the module, all public content is automatically exposed. You can filter the exposed data with the module’s configuration to restrict search based on authorization or entity type. Visit the module configuration page where you can change resources, entities, and fields to exclude content from search.

    After the data has been indexed into Fusion, data science algorithms can be applied to optimize searches.


    When entering configuration values in the UI, use unescaped characters, such as \t for the tab character. When entering configuration values in the API, use escaped characters, such as \\t for the tab character.

    Drupal 8/9 connector to retrieve data from a Drupal instance. This connector requires installation of Drupal's Services module as described at https://www.drupal.org/project/services.

    properties - 

    Plugin specific properties.

    description - string

    Optional description

    <= 125 characters

    getUrl - string

    Page URL.

    getUsername - string

    Username to login into drupal to be able to fetch content from it.

    getPassword - string

    Password to login into drupal to be able to fetch content from it.

    getLoginPath - string

    Login path.

    Default: /user/login

    getLogoutPath - string

    Logout path.

    Default: /user/logout

    getDrupalContentEntryPath - string

    Drupal Content entry path from where the crawling should start.

    Default: /en/fusion

    indexMetadata - boolean

    When enabled the metadata of skipped items will be indexed to the content collection

    Default: false

    numFetchThreads - number

    Maximum number of fetch threads; defaults to 20.This setting controls the number of threads that call the Connectors fetch method.Higher values can, but not always, help with overall fetch performance.

    >= 1

    <= 500

    exclusiveMinimum: false

    exclusiveMaximum: false

    Default: 20

    Multiple of: 1

    indexContentFields - boolean

    When enabled, content fields will be indexed to the crawl-db collection

    Default: false

    fetchItemQueueSize - number

    Size of the fetch item queue.Larger values result in increased memory usage, but potentially higher performance.Default is 10k.

    >= 1

    <= 500000

    exclusiveMinimum: false

    exclusiveMaximum: false

    Default: 10000

    Multiple of: 1

    fetchRequestCheckInterval - number

    The amount of time to wait before check if a request is done

    >= 1000

    <= 500000

    exclusiveMinimum: false

    exclusiveMaximum: false

    Default: 15000

    Multiple of: 1

    fetchResponseScheduledTimeout - number

    The maximum amount of time for a response to be scheduled. The task will be canceled if this setting is exceeded.

    >= 1000

    <= 500000

    exclusiveMinimum: false

    exclusiveMaximum: false

    Default: 300000

    Multiple of: 1

    fetchResponseCompletedTimeout - number

    The maximum amount of time for a response to be completed. If exceeded, the task will be retried if the job is still running

    >= 1

    <= 600000

    exclusiveMinimum: false

    exclusiveMaximum: false

    Default: 300000

    Multiple of: 1

    id - string

    A unique identifier for this Configuration.

    >= 1 characters

    Match pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$

    diagnosticLogging - boolean

    Enable diagnostic logging; disabled by default

    Default: false

    interfaces -

    pipelineId - stringrequired

    Name of the IndexPipeline used for processing output.

    >= 1 characters

    Match pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$

    parserId - string

    The Parser to use in the associated IndexPipeline.

    Match pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$