Roles are named sets of permissions that encapsulate the permissions needed for different kinds of users. Permissions grant users access to subsets of Fusion functionality. A role can specify UI permissions, API permissions, or both:
UI permissions grant users access to parts of the Fusion UI
API permissions grant users access to specific API commands for specific REST API endpoints.
See Permissions for information about how permissions supplied by multiple roles and by user definitions combine.
Where You Specify Roles
You can specify which roles to apply for a user in one or more of these places:
Security realm (directly) – Under the heading Roles, specify the roles to always apply to all users in the security realm.
Security realm (from a group/role mapping) – Security realms of types
can provide a list of groups to which the user belongs. The security realm can map the group names to role names. -
User definition – A user definition can specify roles for the user. These roles do not override the other roles. They are added to the other roles.
Default Roles
At initial startup, Fusion creates a set of default roles for common types of users.
The admin role is the equivalent to the Unix root
or superuser.
It allows full access to all Fusion services:
The developer role has all the read/write permissions required for building and running applications.
GET,POST,PUT:/system/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/stopwords/** GET,POST,PUT:/usage/** GET:/features/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/blobs/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/scheduler/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/experiments GET:/introspect/** PUT:/usage/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/index-stages/** GET,POST,PUT:/apps/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/messaging/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/catalog GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/parsers/** GET,POST,PUT:/appkit/** GET,POST,PUT:/recommend/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/history/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/solr/** GET,POST,PUT:/signals/** GET,POST,PUT:/searchLogs/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/query-pipelines/** GET,POST,PUT:/configurations/** GET:/suggestions/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/searchCluster/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/index-pipelines/** GET:/license GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/spark/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/query-stages/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/prefs/apps/search/* GET:/nodes/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/solrAdmin/** GET,POST,PUT:/synonyms/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/jobs/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD,OPTIONS:/collections/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/connectors/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/groups/** GET,POST,PUT:/templates/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/tasks/** GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD:/links/** PATCH:/users/{id}:id=#ID GET,POST,PUT:/registration/** GET,POST,PUT:/objects/**
The permission PATCH:/users/{id}:id=#ID uses the variable value #ID as a placeholder for the currently logged-in user ID. It is included so the Fusion UI "change password" feature is available to native realm users.
The search role has read-only query and write-only signal API access to the Fusion "default" collection. These permissions are required for search applications, for example, for App Studio.
POST:/apps/*/signals/** GET:/query/** GET:/apps/*/query/** POST:/signals/** PATCH:/users/{id}:id=#ID
The permission PATCH:/users/{id}:id=#ID uses the variable value #ID as a placeholder for the currently logged-in user ID. It is included so the Fusion UI "change password" feature is available to native realm users.
The webapps role can list and download Fusion apps.
GET,HEAD:/webapps/** GET,HEAD:/license
Role Information
Fusion stores role information in Apache ZooKeeper. Each role in a ZooKeeper entry contains the following:
– ID string, created by Fusion -
– Role name string -
– Text description; optional -
– A list of Fusion permission specifications -
– A list of names of Fusion UI components -
– Timestamp; created by Fusion -
– Timestamp for last edit; created by Fusion
Manage Roles
Only Fusion users with admin privileges can manage roles.
Restricting access to a subset of Fusion’s functionality requires several narrowly defined permissions. Path variables can be used to designate specific collections. As an example, it is possible to define a role which allows read-only access to Fusion dashboards for a specific collection:
– Read-only access to the collection "test" -
– Also read-only access -
– Read-only access to dashboards -
– Read-only access to the collection where dashboard definitions are stored
Manage Roles in the Fusion UI
Manage roles in the Fusion UI. Click System > Access Control > Roles.
To create a new role from the Fusion UI, first choose a unique role name, then edit the set of permissions. Specify API permissions one per line in the Permissions input box. There is a separate list of checkboxes that allow access to the Fusion UI components. If users who are assigned this role require access to the Fusion UI, then you must specify UI permissions in addition to REST API permissions.