Index Pipelines API
The Index Pipelines API provides methods for managing a set of named index pipelines. Every pipeline is made up of one or more stages. Stages can be defined during the creation of a pipeline, or stages can be defined separately and included into one or more pipelines. For details of the REST API for index stages, see Index Stages API.
Document processing proceeds stage by stage in a linear fashion. The order of the stages in a pipeline is the order in which they were defined. At installation, Fusion includes several pre-configured pipelines. See Index Pipelines for details on these default pipelines.
For more information about structuring documents for indexing, see Importing Data with the REST API.
List the 'default' pipeline: REQUEST
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:8764/api/index-pipelines/default
"id" : "default",
"stages" : [ {
"type" : "solr-index",
"id" : "solr-default",
"skip" : false
} ]
Create an index pipeline named 'my-index-pipeline' with three stages, one of which does not yet exist:
In order to see this object within the Fusion UI, it must be associated with an app. To do this, create the object using the /apps endpoint.
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"id":"my-index-pipeline","stages":[{"id":"tika","type":"tika-parser","includeImages":true},{"id":"conn_mapping","type":"ref"},{"id":"solr-default","type":"ref"}]}' https://FUSION_HOST:8764/api/index-pipelines
"id" : "my-index-pipeline",
"stages" : [ {
"type" : "tika-parser",
"id" : "tika",
"includeImages" : true,
"flattenCompound" : false,
"addFailedDocs" : false,
"addOriginalContent" : true,
"contentField" : "_raw_content_",
"skip" : false,
"label" : "tika-parser"
}, {
"type" : "ref",
"id" : "conn_mapping",
"skip" : false,
"label" : "ref"
}, {
"type" : "ref",
"id" : "solr-default",
"skip" : false,
"label" : "ref"
} ]
Reload the 'my-index-pipeline' pipeline:
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X PUT https://FUSION_HOST:8764/api/index-pipelines/my-index-pipeline/refresh
Index two JSON documents through a pipeline named 'conn_solr' and a collection named 'my-docs':
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.lucidworks-document" -d '[{"id": "myDoc1","fields": [{"name":"title", "value": "My first document"},{"name":"body", "value": "This is a simple document."}]}, {"id": "myDoc2","fields": [{"name":"title","value": "My second document"},{"name":"body", "value": "This is another simple document."}]}]' https://FUSION_HOST:8764/api/index-pipelines/conn_solr/collections/my-docs/index
[ {
"id" : "myDoc1",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "content",
"value" : "This is a simple document.",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "title",
"value" : "My first document",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_s",
"value" : "no_raw_data",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_time_l",
"value" : [ "java.lang.Long", 7 ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
} ],
"metadata" : { },
"commands" : [ ]
}, {
"id" : "myDoc2",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "content",
"value" : "This is another simple document.",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "title",
"value" : "My second document",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_s",
"value" : "no_raw_data",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_time_l",
"value" : [ "java.lang.Long", 0 ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
} ],
"metadata" : { },
"commands" : [ ]
} ]
Index a PDF document with the 'conn_solr' pipeline:
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/pdf" --data-binary @/solr/core/src/test-files/mailing_lists.pdf https://FUSION_HOST:8764/api/index-pipelines/conn_solr/collections/my-docs/index
[ {
"id" : "d6c7757e-33d9-4fbb-aa38-eef84d679ca9",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "fileSize_l",
"value" : "8582",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_s",
"value" : "no_raw_data",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "pageCount_i",
"value" : "2",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_time_l",
"value" : [ "java.lang.Long", 1171 ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_time_l",
"value" : [ "java.lang.Long", 0 ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "attr_pdf:encrypted_",
"value" : "false",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "attr_X-Parsed-By_",
"value" : "org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "attr_pdf:PDFVersion_",
"value" : "1.3",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "attr_producer_",
"value" : "FOP 0.20.5",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "content",
"value" : "\nSolr Mailing Lists\n\nTable of contents\n1 ",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "attr_dc:format_",
"value" : "application/pdf; version=1.3",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "mimeType_s",
"value" : "application/pdf",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
} ],
"metadata" : { },
"commands" : [ ]
} ]
Index a JSON document though the 'conn_solr' pipeline into a collection called 'docs', using the "command" option:
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.lucidworks-document" -d '[{"id": "myDoc2","commands": [{"name":"delete","value": "myDoc2"}]},{"id": "myDoc1","commands": [{"name":"delete","value": "myDoc1"},{"name":"commit","value": "true"}]}]' https://FUSION_HOST:8764/api/index-pipelines/conn_solr/collections/docs/index
[ {
"id" : "myDoc2",
"fields" : [ ],
"commands" : [ {
"name" : "delete",
"params" : { }
} ]
}, {
"id" : "myDoc1",
"fields" : [ ],
"commands" : [ {
"name" : "delete",
"params" : { }
}, {
"name" : "commit",
"params" : { }
} ]
} ]
Index two simple documents through a pipeline named 'conn_solr' and a collection named 'my-docs' and get a detailed output of the pipeline process:
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.lucidworks-document" -d '[{"id": "myDoc1","fields": [{"name":"title", "value": "My first document"},{"name":"body", "value": "This is a simple document."}]}, {"id": "myDoc2","fields": [{"name":"title","value": "My second document"},{"name":"body", "value": "This is another simple document."}]}]' https://FUSION_HOST:8764/api/index-pipelines/conn_solr/collections/my-docs/debug
The output will include how each document passed through each stage. (In the example output below, we have truncated the 'field-mapping' stage for space.)
"stages" : [ {
"type" : "tika-parser",
"id" : "conn_tika",
"includeImages" : true,
"flattenCompound" : false,
"addFailedDocs" : true,
"addOriginalContent" : true,
"contentField" : "_raw_content_",
"skip" : false
}, {
"type" : "field-mapping",
"id" : "conn_mapping",
"mappings" : [
"unmapped" : {
"source" : "/(.*)/",
"target" : "attr_$1_",
"operation" : "move"
"skip" : false
}, {
"type" : "multivalue-resolver",
"id" : "conn_multivalue_resolver",
"typeStrategy" : [ {
"fieldName" : "string",
"resolverStrategy" : "pick_last"
} ],
"skip" : false
}, {
"type" : "solr-index",
"id" : "conn_solr",
"enforceSchema" : true,
"skip" : false
} ],
"output" : [ {
"stageType" : "tika-parser",
"stageId" : "conn_tika",
"context" : {
"simulate" : false,
"stageIndex" : 0,
"collection" : "docs",
"async" : false
"docs" : [ {
"id" : "6b5c10f1-d941-41a6-957f-f677f5ad0fd5",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "attr_id_",
"value" : "myDoc1",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_time_l",
"value" : [ "java.lang.Long", 0 ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_s",
"value" : "no_raw_data",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "attr_fields_",
"value" : [ "java.util.ArrayList", [ {
"name" : "title",
"value" : "My first document"
}, {
"name" : "body",
"value" : "This is a simple document."
} ] ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
} ],
"metadata" : { },
"commands" : [ ]
}, {
"id" : "4dac3c4e-d7f5-4cbd-96dc-e2eae69711e3",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "attr_id_",
"value" : "myDoc2",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_time_l",
"value" : [ "java.lang.Long", 0 ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_s",
"value" : "no_raw_data",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "attr_fields_",
"value" : [ "java.util.ArrayList", [ {
"name" : "title",
"value" : "My second document"
}, {
"name" : "body",
"value" : "This is another simple document."
} ] ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
} ],
"metadata" : { },
"commands" : [ ]
} ]
}, {
"stageType" : "field-mapping",
"stageId" : "conn_mapping",
"context" : {
"simulate" : false,
"stageIndex" : 1,
"collection" : "docs",
"async" : false
"docs" : [ {
"id" : "6b5c10f1-d941-41a6-957f-f677f5ad0fd5",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "attr_id_",
"value" : "myDoc1",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_s",
"value" : "no_raw_data",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_time_l",
"value" : [ "java.lang.Long", 0 ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "attr_fields_",
"value" : [ "java.util.ArrayList", [ {
"name" : "title",
"value" : "My first document"
}, {
"name" : "body",
"value" : "This is a simple document."
} ] ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
} ],
"metadata" : { },
"commands" : [ ]
}, {
"id" : "4dac3c4e-d7f5-4cbd-96dc-e2eae69711e3",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "attr_id_",
"value" : "myDoc2",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_s",
"value" : "no_raw_data",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_time_l",
"value" : [ "java.lang.Long", 0 ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "attr_fields_",
"value" : [ "java.util.ArrayList", [ {
"name" : "title",
"value" : "My second document"
}, {
"name" : "body",
"value" : "This is another simple document."
} ] ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
} ],
"metadata" : { },
"commands" : [ ]
} ]
}, {
"stageType" : "multivalue-resolver",
"stageId" : "conn_multivalue_resolver",
"context" : {
"simulate" : false,
"stageIndex" : 2,
"collection" : "docs",
"async" : false
"docs" : [ {
"id" : "6b5c10f1-d941-41a6-957f-f677f5ad0fd5",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "attr_id_",
"value" : "myDoc1",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_s",
"value" : "no_raw_data",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_time_l",
"value" : [ "java.lang.Long", 0 ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "attr_fields_",
"value" : [ "java.util.ArrayList", [ {
"name" : "title",
"value" : "My first document"
}, {
"name" : "body",
"value" : "This is a simple document."
} ] ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
} ],
"metadata" : { },
"commands" : [ ]
}, {
"id" : "4dac3c4e-d7f5-4cbd-96dc-e2eae69711e3",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "attr_id_",
"value" : "myDoc2",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_s",
"value" : "no_raw_data",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_time_l",
"value" : [ "java.lang.Long", 0 ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "attr_fields_",
"value" : [ "java.util.ArrayList", [ {
"name" : "title",
"value" : "My second document"
}, {
"name" : "body",
"value" : "This is another simple document."
} ] ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
} ],
"metadata" : { },
"commands" : [ ]
} ]
}, {
"stageType" : "solr-index",
"stageId" : "conn_solr",
"context" : {
"simulate" : false,
"stageIndex" : 3,
"collection" : "docs",
"async" : false
"docs" : [ {
"id" : "6b5c10f1-d941-41a6-957f-f677f5ad0fd5",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "attr_id_",
"value" : "myDoc1",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_s",
"value" : "no_raw_data",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_time_l",
"value" : [ "java.lang.Long", 0 ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "attr_fields_",
"value" : [ "java.util.ArrayList", [ {
"name" : "title",
"value" : "My first document"
}, {
"name" : "body",
"value" : "This is a simple document."
} ] ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
} ],
"metadata" : { },
"commands" : [ ]
}, {
"id" : "4dac3c4e-d7f5-4cbd-96dc-e2eae69711e3",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "attr_id_",
"value" : "myDoc2",
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_s",
"value" : "no_raw_data",
"metadata" : {
"creator" : "tika-parser"
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "parsing_time_l",
"value" : [ "java.lang.Long", 0 ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "attr_fields_",
"value" : [ "java.util.ArrayList", [ {
"name" : "title",
"value" : "My second document"
}, {
"name" : "body",
"value" : "This is another simple document."
} ] ],
"metadata" : { },
"annotations" : [ ]
} ],
"metadata" : { },
"commands" : [ ]
} ]
} ]