Archive Parser Stage
The Archive parser stage can parse the majority of common archive and compressed file formats. They are parsed into their constituent documents, which can then be parsed further or sent straight to the index pipeline. The following archive formats are supported:
Unix dump
When entering configuration values in the UI, use unescaped characters, such as \t for the tab character. When entering configuration values in the API, use escaped characters, such as \\t for the tab character.
Decompress and extract common archive and compression formats, e.g. zip, tar, 7z, GZip, BZip2, etc
id - string
Default: 6c8c104a-f2aa-4a04-b49d-3d77c3bc1d22
label - string
A label for this Parser Stage
<= 255 characters
enabled - boolean
Default: true
mediaTypes - array[string]
pathPatterns - array[object]
Specify a file name or pattern that must be matched for this parser stage to run. Forward slashes ("/") are used to join names of files inside archives with the archive name.
object attributes:{syntax
: {
display name: Pattern type
type: string
: {
display name: File name or pattern
type: string
inheritMediaTypes - boolean
Indicates if parser stage should use the default media types. Unchecking this box means that ONLY the manually configured media types will be parsed by the parser and you then MUST provide at least one media type.
Default: true
errorHandling - string
Default: mark
Allowed values: ignorelogfailmark
outputFieldPrefix - string
Fields extracted by this parser will be prefixed with this string. The remainder of the field name will be as detected in the stream
<= 20 characters
Match pattern: ^$|^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+$
alwaysDetect - boolean
Forces content-type detection. Most compression and archive formats use a magic byte to indicate their type. This can be more reliable than user input.
Default: true
type - stringrequired
Default: archive
Allowed values: archive