Legacy Product

Fusion 5.10
    Fusion 5.10

    Appkit tags

    Table of Contents

    Appkit provides a range of client-side tags for building and executing search queries as well as displaying, formatting and visualization of search results.

    These tags are packaged as AngularJS libraries divided into a number of namespaces. See the Tag Reference for full documentation on each of the tags.

    Most Appkit tags can be used in various combinations and are designed to work together within the framework to deliver a high quality search experience for the user.

    Common usage

    This example demonstrates how the result-list tag works in line with our principles of configuration over code and sensible defaults.

    To render a simple results list displaying every field in each document, this code is all that is required in the JSP:

    <search:result-list response="response"></search:result-list>

    If you want to go ahead and customize the output of a result list, you can easily do so along these lines:

    <search:result-list response="response">
              <search:field name="title" style="title"></search:field>
              <search:field name="url" style="url" label="Link:"></search:field>
              <search:field name="description" style="description" label="Abstract:"></search:field>

    This demonstrates a common pattern in Appkit of basic tags having default rendering to get you started, with the ability to customize the rendering of elements within them to a suitable level of granularity.


    Many tags have reasonable default configurations, but they can also pick up attributes from configuration files, avoiding the must change any JSP code:

    Here is a platform tag which looks for properties in the configuration file at src/main/resources/conf/platforms/myplatform/dev.conf

    <search:platform var="platform" conf="platform.myplatform.dev"></search:platform>

    See section on configuration files for more information.