Legacy Product

Fusion 5.10
    Fusion 5.10

    Field Facet Stage

    Table of Contents

    The Field Facet query pipeline stage is used to add a Solr Field Facet query to the search query pipeline.

    A field facet query computes the top values for a field and returns the list of those values along with a count of the subset of documents in the search results which match that term. Field faceting works best over fields which contain a single label or set of labels from a finite, controlled lexicon such as product category. Facet field parameters can be tuned for performance, see: Facet Field Configuration.

    It is possible to specify more than one field facets. For each field facet you must specify the field name plus the following additional parameters:

    • Limit. The maximum number of terms to be returned. Default 100.

    • Offset. The number of top facet values to skip in the response. Default 0.

    • Sort. The order in which to list facet values: count ordering is by documents per term, descending, and index ordering is sorted on term values themselves.

    • Missing. The number of documents in the results set which have no value for the facet field.

    • Choice of facet method (advanced). Specify Solr algorithm used to calculate facet counts. (See Facet Method Configuration for details). One of:

      • enum. Small number of distinct categories.

      • fc ("field cache"). Many different values in the field, each document has low number of values, multi-valued field.

      • fcs ("single value string fields"). Good for rapidly changing indexes.

    For further details see: Solr Faceting Overview.

    Configure range or field facets. Facets indicate categories and aggregations of results according to values in the configured fields

    skip - boolean

    Set to true to skip this stage.

    Default: false

    label - string

    A unique label for this stage.

    <= 255 characters

    condition - string

    Define a conditional script that must result in true or false. This can be used to determine if the stage should process or not.

    fieldFacets - array[object]

    object attributes:{field required : {
     display name: Field
     type: string
    prefix : {
     display name: Prefix
     type: string
    sort : {
     display name: Sort
     type: string
    limit : {
     display name: Limit
     type: integer
    offset : {
     display name: Offset
     type: integer
    minCount : {
     display name: Minimum Count
     type: integer
    missing : {
     display name: Count Missing
     type: boolean
    method : {
     display name: Method
     type: string
    enumCacheMinDf : {
     display name: Enum Cache Minimum DF
     type: integer
    ensuredValues : {
     display name: Ensured Facet Values
     type: array
    threads : {
     display name: NO LONGER USED.
     type: integer

    threads - integer

    Specifies how many threads the search engine will use while loading the underlying fields used in faceting. Recommended that this is kept at 0 or blank, which means the data is loaded in the thread already running the query. Only supported on non DSL requests.

    rangeFacets - array[object]

    object attributes:{field required : {
     display name: Field
     type: string
    start required : {
     display name: Start
     type: string
    end required : {
     display name: End
     type: string
    gap required : {
     display name: Gap
     type: string
    hardEnd : {
     display name: Hard End
     type: boolean
    minCount : {
     display name: Minimum Count
     type: integer
    method : {
     display name: Method
     type: string
    include : {
     display name: Include
     type: array
    other : {
     display name: Other
     type: array