Rollup Aggregation Stage
The Rollup Aggregation query pipeline stage (previously called the Rollup Aggregator stage) is used to roll up Solr results from a context variable. In the REST API, this stage type is named rollup-rec-aggr
This stage reads the Solr results (SolrResponse.class
) from the context and rolls up over a single field product a list of unique IDs and also aggregates the weights (any numeric field in Solr) for those IDs using any of the statistical aggregation functions available. The result from aggregation is saved back in the context and can be used later in a Parameterized Boosting stage.
When entering configuration values in the UI, use unescaped characters, such as \t for the tab character. When entering configuration values in the API, use escaped characters, such as \\t for the tab character.
Rollup stage to aggregate Solr results in the format of List<DocumentResult>
skip - boolean
Set to true to skip this stage.
Default: false
label - string
A unique label for this stage.
<= 255 characters
condition - string
Define a conditional script that must result in true or false. This can be used to determine if the stage should process or not.
key - stringrequired
The key name to use from context to read Solr results.
resultKey - stringrequired
The key name to which the results should be saved.
rollupField - stringrequired
The field to rollup on.
excludeResultsKey - string
The key containing a set of results to exclude from this rollup.
weightField - string
The numerical field to consider as weight.
weightFunction - string
The arithmetic function to use for weight fields on documents with same rollup field.
Default: sum
Allowed values: summeanmaxminstddevvariancegeoMeansumOfSquaressumOfLogs
maxRows - integer
The maximum number of results to return
Default: 10
sort - boolean
If enabled, the output is sorted based on weight field if it is not null
Default: true
weightExpression - string
Optional expression to compute the final boost weight using a combination of fields returned by Solr, such as score and weight_d