Response Processors
The articles in this section describe response processors.
Field response processors include ones to perform these operations:
Capitalize the display value of the given field names.
Add Highlighting to Fields.
Tag a document with classifications based on field values.
Format a date object, replacing the original date value with another.
Parse dates out of field values.
Set the value of a field that is missing a value, based on the value of a different field.
Parse the String value of the specified fields into an Object representation.
Create a multivalued field from a single field value by using a separator.
Extract the hostname from URLs and place it in a field named 'site'.
Process fully qualified URLs in field values and markup, and add anchor tags for active links in the display values.
Statically add metadata to documents that match a given regular expression.
Replace field values (actual, display, or both) that are HTML or URL encoded with decoded values.
Replace field values (actual, display, or both) that match a given regular expression with a different value.
Make Twitter users and hashtags clickable in the display value.
Duplicate a field, creating two separate instances.
Create a new field by joining multiple existing fields using a pattern expression.
Localize the values of a field using a specified bundle.
Filter response processors include ones to perform these operations:
Capitalize the display value of the given filter.
Parse dates out of facet filter values.
Sort facet filters by count.
Sort facet filters by actual value.
Replace display values in FacetFilters for specified or all Facets.
Retrieve other filter values for the same facet, despite there being one or more filters for that facet already applied.
Remove facet filters that match a regular expression pattern from a facet.
Replace filter values (actual, display, or both) that match a given regular expression with a different value.
(Since 4.2.0) Dynamically format the display value of a date range facet according to the size of the range.
Facet response processors include ones to perform these operations:
Duplicate a facet.
Create facets.
Fill in date filters for a facet.
Parse and formatting filter values from one Date format to another.
Create a pseudo date facet.
Set or changing Parameters for a facet.
Sort facets based on various properties and parameters.
Process facet filter values formatted as paths to represent them as hierarchical trees.
Remove facets from a Response.
Create pseudo facets based on values in a given field or fields.
Process hierarchical facets so that only one level is rendered at a time.
Define a pseudo facet from a list of facets in the response.
General response processors include ones to perform these operations:
Perform a left join on fields.
Log response metadata and attributes to log4j.
Group results by a given Field value.