Legacy Product

Fusion 5.10
    Fusion 5.10

    Query Fields Stage

    Table of Contents

    The Query Fields query pipeline stage defines common Solr query parameters for the edismax query parser. If using a less-than sign (<) with DisMax, it must be escaped using a backslash. An alternative to this stage is the Additional Query Parameters stage.


    When entering configuration values in the UI, use unescaped characters, such as \t for the tab character. When entering configuration values in the API, use escaped characters, such as \\t for the tab character.

    Configure query parameters for Solr search

    skip - boolean

    Set to true to skip this stage.

    Default: false

    label - string

    A unique label for this stage.

    <= 255 characters

    condition - string

    Define a conditional script that must result in true or false. This can be used to determine if the stage should process or not.

    rows - integer

    Default: 10

    start - integer

    Default: 0

    sort - string

    sortOrder - array[object]

    object attributes:{type : {
     display name: Sort Type
     type: string
    value : {
     display name: Field Name or Expression
     type: string
    order : {
     display name: Sort Order
     type: string

    queryFields - array[object]

    object attributes:{field : {
     display name: Field Name
     type: string
    boost : {
     display name: Field Boost
     type: number

    returnFields - array[string]

    returnScore - boolean

    Default: true

    minimumMatch - string