Legacy Product

Fusion 5.10
    Fusion 5.10

    Fusion 5.4.5

    Release date: December 17, 2021

    Component versions:

    Component Version








    GKE, AKS, EKS 1.21

    Rancher (RKE) and OpenShift 4 compatible with Kubernetes 1.21

    OpenStack and customized Kubernetes installs not supported.

    See Kubernetes support for end of support dates.

    Ingress Controllers

    Nginx, Ambassador (Envoy), GKE Ingress Controller

    Istio not supported.

    More information about support dates can be found at Lucidworks Fusion Product Lifecycle.

    Upgrade immediately!

    Check out the Fusion 5 Upgrades topic for details.

    Fusion 5.4.5 addresses CVE-2021-44228, a critical, zero-day exploit discovered in Apache Log4j, a logging tool used in many Java-based applications.

    This widespread exploit affects all versions of Fusion and Solr. If Fusion and Solr are correctly secured behind a firewall and queries are sanitized by middle-ware, the risk of this vulnerability being exploited is low. However, as with all vulnerabilities, if an attacker gains access to the server, this vulnerability can be exploited.

    The Fusion 5.4.5 release upgrades Log4j to 2.16.0 throughout Fusion. The only exception is for Apache Pulsar, a third-party multi-tenant messaging system, which is awaiting an official update. Although Pulsar in Fusion 5.4.5 uses Log4j 2.15.0, Pulsar is not susceptible to CVE-2021-44228 or the related CVE-2021-45046, due to how the service is configured in Fusion.

    Security bulletin

    For detailed information on CVE-2021-44228 and its impact on Lucidworks products, see our security bulletin.