Legacy Product

Fusion 5.4

Collections API

Table of Contents

API Objective: Manage data sets.

The Collections API manages Fusion collections. It provides endpoints for creating, updating, and deleting collection, as well as endpoints for getting a collection’s status and usage statistics.

Fusion maintains internal system collections for logs, blobs, and metrics data which operate in conjunction with collections created by users. The Collections API is used to manage all Fusion collections.


In order to see this object within the Fusion UI, it must be associated with an app. To do this, create the object using the /apps endpoint.

Create a new collection called 'newCollection', with appropriate SolrCloud environment settings:


curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"solrParams":{"replicationFactor":1,"numShards":1}}' https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/collections/newCollection


  "id" : "newCollection",
  "createdAt" : "2014-09-19T18:46:52.954Z",
  "searchClusterId" : "default",
  "solrParams" : {
    "name" : "newCollection",
    "numShards" : 1,
    "replicationFactor" : 1
  "type" : "DATA",
  "metadata" : { }

Create a collection named 'local-collection1' that refers to 'collection1' in a pre-existing SolrCloud cluster named 'Solr4.10':


curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"id":"local-collection1", "searchClusterId":"Solr4.10", "solrParams":{"name":"collection1"}}' https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/collections


  "id" : "local-collection1",
  "createdAt" : "2014-09-19T18:48:45.396Z",
  "searchClusterId" : "Solr4.10",
  "solrParams" : {
    "name" : "collection1"
  "type" : "DATA",
  "metadata" : { }

Delete a collection, but keep the associated signals and searchLogs collections:


curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X DELETE https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/collections/newCollection?purge=false

Get the status of the 'demo' collection:


curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/collections/demo/status


  "maxShardsPerNode" : 1,
  "replicationFactor" : 1,
  "shards" : {
    "shard1" : {
      "range" : "80000000-7fffffff",
      "state" : "active",
      "replicas" : {
        "core_node1" : {
          "state" : "active",
          "core" : "demo_shard1_replica1",
          "leader" : true,
          "base_url" : "https://FUSION_HOST:8983/solr",
          "node_name" : "FUSION_HOST:8983_solr"

Get stats for the 'demo' collection:


curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/collections/demo/stats


  "collectionId" : "demo",
  "documentCount" : 536,
  "requestCount" : 6,
  "qps" : 28.34716542561849,
  "sizeInBytes" : 7646045,
  "lastModified" : "2014-05-19T19:58:33.545Z"

Add the recommendations feature for the 'tempy' collection:

For more information on collection features and feature management, see Collection Features API

Use this structure to send the request:

curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d @enable-recommendations.json https://FUSION_HOST:FUSION_PORT/api/apps/Recommender-App/collections/tempy/features/recommendations -v

Make sure to change the collection-id in the JSON and save as a file or send directly in the string.

Recommendations JSON:

"name": "recommendations",
"collectionId": "tempy",

{ "idField": "id", "itemsForUser": true, "itemsForQuery": false, "itemsForItem": true, "queriesForQuery": false }
"enabled": true

Signals JSON:

"name": "signals",
"collectionId": "tempy",
"params": {},
"enabled": false

Search Logs JSON:

"name": "searchLogs",
"collectionId": "tempy",
"params": {},
"enabled": false

Partition by time JSON:

"name": "partitionByTime",
"collectionId": "tempy",
"params": {},
"enabled": false

Loading API specification...