Legacy Product

Fusion 5.4

Attivio AIE

The Attivio AIE search module brokers all communication with the Attivio Active Intelligence Engine.


To add Attivio search connectors to a Maven project, you must add this dependency to your project’s pom.xml file.

  • For a connector compatible with a 4.x Attivio engine, add:

  • For a connector compatible with a 5.x Attivio engine, add:

These two dependencies are mutually exclusive and should not be defined simultaneously in the same POM file.


This example shows how to configure an Attivio search endpoint.

Assuming you have added the correct dependencies to your project (see above), the Attivio platform tag can be accessed using a configuration file using the following configuration:

name: twigkit.search.attivio.Attivio
host: http://localhost:17001/query
defaultQuery: *:*
defaultFacets: cat,manu_exact,inStock

The host is the fully qualified hostname of the Attivio installation (along with the context name). The defaultQuery here brings back all items from the index (if a query string is not provided via the Query tag, and similarly 3 facets are returned using defaultFacets if none are specified as a part of the Query.

Required attributes

host (java.lang.String)
The URL of the Attivio query endpoint. Must be specified using the full URL (for example, http://localhost:17001/query; localhost:17001 will not work).
Applied in: JSP tag, configuration

Optional attributes

maxBuckets (java.lang.String)
The number of maximum different facet values to retrieve from the Attivio engine.

ingestWorkflow (java.lang.String)
If you want to use this platform to index data into the Attivio engine, use this attribute to specify the name of the ingest workflow you want to leverage.
Default: ingest

documentMode (java.lang.String)
Set this to partial if you are doing real time partial updates to the index. Otherwise set it to add if you will add new documents to the index.

forceCommit (java.lang.Boolean)
Set this to true if you want to force a refresh (in the case of partial indexing) or a commit otherwise once the indexing is complete. Set it to false if you do not want to trigger a server side commit.
Default: true

store-timeout (java.lang.Long)
Set this to if you want to force a refresh (in the case of partial indexing) or a commit otherwise once the indexing is complete.

Attributes shared across platforms

name (java.lang.String)
The display name of this Platform instance. Used for identifying different platforms in the user interface.

aliases (java.lang.String)
Manage mappings from field names to aliases (use a comma-separated list). All references to the field (via this platform) in results, facets, filters, and query strings are mapped. For example, to refer to a field in the index named firstnamelastname as name and countryofresidence as country, use these mappings: aliases="firstnamelastname=name,countryofresidence=country"
Applied in: configuration

defaultQuery (java.lang.String)
Default query to use when none is specified.

defaultFacets (java.lang.String)
Default facets to request when none are specified. This is a comma separated list.

spellCheck (java.lang.Boolean)
Spellcheck the Query term if supported by the Platform.
Default: true

queryExpansion (java.lang.Boolean)
Apply advanced linguistics such as stemming or lemmatization if supported by the Platform.
Default: true

autoCorrect (java.lang.Boolean)
Whether to auto-correct and resubmit futile queries (queries with zero results).
Default: true

fileTypeField (java.lang.String)
Set which field contains information about file type (mime type).

resultIDField (java.lang.String)
Set which field represents the unique identifier for a given result.

pageLimit (java.lang.Long)
A limitation to which page the platform will offset.