Legacy Product

Fusion 5.4

Machine Learning Stage

Table of Contents

The Machine Learning query pipeline stage uses a trained machine learning model to analyze a field or fields of a Request object and stores the results of analysis in a new field added to either the Request or the Context object.

In order to use the Machine Learning Stage, you must train a machine learning model. There are two different ways to train a model:

This stage requires that you use JavaScript to construct a model input object from the Request and/or Context. This JavaScript is defined in the "Model input transformation script" property. This script must construct a HashMap containing fields and values to be sent to the model. The field names and values will depend on the input schema of the model.

Value types supported are:

  • String

  • Double

  • String[]

  • double[]

  • List<String>

  • List<Number>

The JavaScript interpreter that executes the script will have the following variables available in scope:

The last line of the script must be a reference to the HashMap object you created.

Example 1: Single string parameter from request to modelInput HashMap

var modelInput = new java.util.HashMap()
modelInput.put("input_1", request.getFirstParam("q"))

Example 2: List of strings from request to modelInput HashMap

var modelInput = new java.util.HashMap()
modelInput.put("input_1", request.getParam("q")) // request.getParam returns a Collection

Example 3: List of numeric values from request to modelInput HashMap

var modelInput = new java.util.HashMap()
var list = new java.util.ArrayList()
modelInput.put("input_1", list)

Similarly, you will need to use JavaScript to store the predictions into the Request and/or Context from the model output object. The model output object is a HashMap containing fields and values produced by the model.

The JavaScript interpreter that executes the script will have the following variables available in scope:

Example: Place predictedLabel (string) on request

request.putSingleParam("sentiment", modelOutput.get("predictedLabel"))

When using Fusion's REST API, the ID for this stage is:ml-query.

Loading liquid template...

Loading configuration schema...