Legacy Product

Fusion 5.10
    Fusion 5.10

    Install Grafana Dashboards

    If you’re using Prometheus and Grafana to monitor the performance and health of Fusion services, Lucidworks provides pre-configured Grafana dashboards in the fusion-cloud-native repo.

    Configure Grafana

    If you used the install_prom.sh script to install Prometheus and Grafana into your Fusion namespace, retrieve the initial Grafana password from a Kubernetes secret.

    1. Run the following:

      kubectl get secret --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" ${RELEASE}-monitoring-grafana \
        -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
      Replace ${RELEASE} with your Helm release label, which is typically the same as your ${NAMESPACE} value.

      To see the name of the Grafana deployment, run: kubectl get deploy.

    2. With Grafana, you can either set up a temporary port-forward to a Grafana pod or expose Grafana on an external IP using a Kubernetes LoadBalancer. To define a LoadBalancer, run:

      kubectl expose deployment ${RELEASE}-monitoring-grafana --type=LoadBalancer --name=grafana --port=3000 --target-port=3000
    3. Use kubectl get services --namespace <namespace> to verify that the load balancer is set up and has an external IP address.

    4. Navigate your browser to http://<GrafanaIP>:3000. Log in with the username admin@localhost and the password that was returned in the previous step.

    5. (optional) Create another administrative user with a more desirable password.

    Configure the Prometheus datasource

    If you used the install_prom.sh script, a default Prometheus datasource is pre-configured for you. If not, configure the Prometheus datasource in Grafana:

    1. Click the gear icon on the left and navigate to Data Sources.

    2. Click Add Data Source. Select Prometheus as the datasource type.

      Grafana add Prometheus datasource

      You are redirected to a page that asks for the address of the Prometheus server.

    3. Enter http://<RELEASE>-prom-prometheus-server

    4. (optional) Configure any additional fields, if desired.

    5. Click Save and Test.

    Import the Grafana dashboards

    If you used the install_prom.sh script, then Fusion’s default Grafana dashboards will already be imported. If not, import the dashboards from the fusion-cloud-native repo.

    1. Click the gear icon on the left and select Import.

      Grafana import a dashboard

    2. Import the Grafana dashboard JSON.

    3. Click the Load button.