Appkit SDK 4.9.0 Release Notes
Release date: 10 February 2020
Bug Fixes
now accepts nested URI paths as expected. For example:/insights/twigkit/api/fusion/collections/<collection_name> /insights/twigkit/api/fusion/apps/<app_name>/experiments
Previously, an
HTTP 400
error occurred.
Removing filters using the
<query:filter action="remove">
tag will no longer remove filters added with the<query:filter value="bar">
tag. For example, the following will leave the filter onvalue="bar"
intact:<search:query var="query"> <query:filter field="foo" value="bar"> <query:filter field="foo" action="remove"> </search:query>
Previously, using the Solr platform in compatibility mode forced exclusive boundaries on date range filters to become inclusive. This affected date range filters in the Fusion platform.
This behavior is fixed. Exclusive boundaries on range filters now remain exclusive in compatibility mode.
Toggle events now fire as expected when using toggle controls.