Legacy Product

Fusion 5.10
    Fusion 5.10

    Phrase Extraction Jobs

    Identify multi-word phrases in signals.

    The Phrase Extraction job is designed for use with small amounts of text only. Large documents can cause the job to break at scale.

    This job writes to the _query_rewrite_staging collection. It also uses reviewed documents from that collection to improve the accuracy of the job.

    To use this job, you must first upload the OpenNLP Maxent model to the blob store.

    Minimum configuration

    For most use cases, the minimum configuration for this job consists of these fields:

    • id/Spark Job ID

      Give this job an arbitrary ID string.

    • trainingCollection/Training Collection

      Specify the input collection.

    • fieldToVectorize/Field to Vectorize

      Specify the field in the input collection where phrases can be found.

    • outputCollection/Output Collection

      Specify the collection in which the output documents should be indexed.

    When running this job over a content document collection, be sure to set attachPhrases/Extract Key Phrases from Input Text to "true". The default is "false", which works well when running the job over a signals collection.

    Output documents

    By default, the job only outputs the phrases found from the original document. In each row of the phrases output, these fields are most useful:

    • The phrase itself is in the phrases_s field, which can be used for faceting.

    • The likelihood_d field gives the likelihood that the phrase is legitimate, from 0 to infinity.

      Low-probability phrases are automatically trimmed from the results.

    • When a phrase’s likelihood value is ambiguous, the review field is set to "true" to indicate that the phrase should be reviewed.

    • A phrase_count field indicates the number of instances of the phrase in the input collection.

    The complete list of output fields is shown below.

    Output fields


    The name of the Phrase Extraction job that generated this document.


    This is always key_phrases for documents generated by a Phrase Extraction job.


    A unique ID for this document.


    The collection used for this job’s input.


    The likelihood that this phrases_s is a phrase, from 0 to infinity.


    The number of occurrences of this phrase in the input collection.


    The phrase detected by the job.


    "True" indicates that this may not be a valid phrase and should be reviewed.


    This is always "1".


    The date and time when the document was generated.


    The number of words in this phrase.


    An internal Solr field used for partial updates.

    If the attachPhrases/Extract Key Phrases from Input Text parameter is set to "true", then the job also outputs the original documents from the input collection with an appended field, phrases_extracted_tt, that lists the extracted phrases from this document.

    The way to distinguish the phrases output from the original document output is by the field doc_type_s, with one of these values:

    • key_phrases denotes phrases output.

    • original_doc_with_phrases denotes the original documents.

    Use this job when you want to identify phrases in your content.

    id - stringrequired

    The ID for this Spark job. Used in the API to reference this job. Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, dash (-) and underscore (_)

    <= 128 characters

    Match pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+$

    trainingCollection - stringrequired

    Solr Collection containing labeled training data

    >= 1 characters

    fieldToVectorize - stringrequired

    Solr field containing text training data. Data from multiple fields with different weights can be combined by specifying them as field1:weight1,field2:weight2 etc.

    >= 1 characters

    dataFormat - string

    Spark-compatible format which training data comes in (like 'solr', 'hdfs', 'file', 'parquet' etc)

    Default: solr

    Allowed values: solrhdfsfileparquet

    trainingDataFrameConfigOptions - object

    Additional spark dataframe loading configuration options

    trainingDataFilterQuery - string

    Solr query to use when loading training data

    >= 3 characters

    Default: *:*

    trainingDataSamplingFraction - number

    Fraction of the training data to use

    <= 1

    exclusiveMaximum: false

    Default: 1

    randomSeed - integer

    For any deterministic pseudorandom number generation

    Default: 1234

    outputCollection - stringrequired

    Solr Collection to store the phrases found.

    >= 1 characters

    sourceFields - string

    Solr fields to load (comma-delimited). Leave empty to allow the job to select the required fields to load at runtime.

    ngramSize - integer

    The number of words in the ngram you want to consider for the sips.

    >= 2

    <= 5

    exclusiveMinimum: false

    exclusiveMaximum: false

    Default: 3

    minmatch - integer

    The number of times a phrase must exist to be considered.

    >= 1

    exclusiveMinimum: false

    Default: 5

    analyzerConfig - stringrequired

    The style of text analyzer you would like to use.

    Default: { "analyzers": [{ "name": "StdTokLowerStop","charFilters": [ { "type": "htmlstrip" } ],"tokenizer": { "type": "standard" },"filters": [{ "type": "lowercase" },{ "type": "KStem" },{ "type": "fusionstop", "ignoreCase": "true", "format": "snowball", "words": "org/apache/lucene/analysis/snowball/english_stop.txt" }] }],"fields": [{ "regex": ".+", "analyzer": "StdTokLowerStop" } ]}

    attachPhrases - boolean

    Whether to extract phrases found from this job (with review label = false) from the input text field.If input data is signals, suggest to turn it off.

    Default: false

    type - stringrequired

    Default: sip

    Allowed values: sip