Class MinimumMatch

  • public class MinimumMatch
    extends DslCloneable
    Represents the criteria for the minimum number of optional query clauses that must match for a result to be returned.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MinimumMatch

        public MinimumMatch​(java.lang.Integer clauses,
                            MinimumMatch.Operand operand,
                            java.lang.Integer condition)
    • Method Detail

      • getClauses

        public java.lang.Integer getClauses()
        The minimum number of clauses that must match if positive, or the maximum unmatched clauses if negative.
      • getOperand

        public MinimumMatch.Operand getOperand()
        An operator that indicates whether to consider clauses as a percentage or if there is a second term for the matching criteria for queries with more or fewer clauses than the specified minimum.
      • getCondition

        public java.lang.Integer getCondition()
        The right-hand side of the greater or lesser condition, if there is one.