Legacy Product

Fusion 5.10
    Fusion 5.10

    Built-in Dashboards

    Fusion ships with built-in dashboards. To access these dashboards from the Fusion UI, click System > Log Viewer.

    Service Logs dashboard

    The Service Logs dashboard (lucidworks-service-logs.json) is also the default dashboard (default.json).

    Service Logs dashboard

    You can modify the default dashboard to suit your needs. To set a different dashboard as the browser default, click the dashboard you want to set as the default, then click Save > Set as Browser Default.

    To open the default dashboard from the Fusion workspace, click Analytics Analytics > Dashboards or System System > Log Viewer. Alternatively, on any dashboard, click Goto saved default Goto saved default.

    Access Logs dashboard

    The Access logs dashboard (lucidworks-access-logs.json) lets you analyze logs from the system_logs collection where type_s:http, that is Fusion access over the Web, for example, from the Fusion UI and web apps that submit Fusion requests.

    Access Logs dashboard

    Combined Logs dashboard

    The Combined Logs dashboard (lucidworks-combined-logs.json) lets you analyze all logs from the system_logs collection.

    Combined Logs dashboard

    Blank dashboard

    An entirely blank dashboard (blank.json) is available. To open this dashboard from the default dashboard, click Blank Dashboard at the top right.

    Fusion Metrics dashboard

    The Fusion Metrics dashboard (lucidworks-metrics.json) displays key Fusion metrics from the Fusion collection system_metrics, if this type of metrics collection is enabled. See System Metrics.

    Fusion Metrics dashboard

    To open the Fusion Metrics dashboard from the default dashboard, click Metrics Dashboard at the top right.

    Search Analytics dashboard

    The Fusion Search Analytics dashboard (lucidworks-searchanalytics.json) displays search analytics derived from collection logs and from queries to Solr (/api/solr).

    Search Analytics dashboard

    To open the Search Analytics dashboard from the default dashboard, click Search Analytics at the top right.

    Fusion Signals dashboard

    The Fusion Signals dashboard (lucidworks-signals.json) is a time-series dashboard that you can use to monitor signals collections. It uses the signal timestamp as the time field.

    Fusion Signals dashboard

    To open the Fusion Signals dashboard from the default dashboard, click Lucidworks Fusion Signals at the top right.

    Default Non-Time-Series dashboard

    Fusion includes a default non-time-series dashboard (default-nts.json). This is an example:

    Non time-series dashboard

    To open the default non-time-series dashboard, at the top right of any dashboard, click New > Non-time-series dashboard.

    Default Time-Series dashboard

    Fusion includes a default time-series dashboard (default-ts.json). This is an example:

    Time-series dashboard

    To open the default time-series dashboard, at the top right of any dashboard, click New > Time-series dashboard.