Legacy Product

Fusion 5.10
    Fusion 5.10

    Use Dashboards in Fusion

    This topic details the options available to use Fusion dashboards.

    Dashboards main page

    When you open the Fusion dashboards, your organization’s dashboards display, as well as the EXPLORE DASHBOARDS section that provides options to create or display specific types of dashboards.

    You can click the icons in the top right corner of the screen to perform the following functions:

    Option Notes

    Goto saved default

    Goto saved default

    Open the saved default dashboard.



    Create a new dashboard. Options are:

    • Time-series dashboard

    • Non time-series dashboard



    Load a dashboard using one of the following options:

    • Load dashboard JSON layout from file

      Click Local File > Choose File > select file > Open.

      Saved dashboards are listed at the bottom of the dialog box. Click a dashboard to open it. Filter dashboards by entering an exact-match string in the Filter box. If there are more that 20 saved dashboards, use the pagination controls to find a dashboard. To view the next set of pages, click the forward arrows. To view the prior set of pages, click the back arrows. Or click a page number to view the dashboards on that page.

    • Enter the gist URL or number (the last part of the URL)

      Enter value > click Get Get.

      A link that opens the dashboard appears below a thin line. The link displays the dashboard name. Click the link to open the dashboard.

    • Type to filter. Enter dashboard type to filter and display if the dashboard matches.



    Save options include:

    • Locally

      • Export to File

      • Set as Browser Default. Click to set the current dashboard as the default.

      • Clear Browser Default. Click to clear the current dashboard. The default dashboard for the browser becomes the system default dashboard default.json (the Fusion Logs dashboard).

    • Solr

      • Make Public. If this checkbox is selected, the dashboard is shared with everyone.

      • Service Logs. Enter a value and click Save to save the log.

    Configure Dashboard

    Click to configure tabs for General, Rows, Control, and Solr dashboard settings.

    Delete a dashboard saved in Solr

    1. Click Load.

    2. Identify the file to delete and click Delete.

    3. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

    Delete a dashboard saved in a file

    Navigate to the file and delete it.

    Delete a dashboard saved as a Github gist

    Open the gist URL and click Delete.

    For more information, see:

    Interact with data

    The table describes options to interact with data displayed in certain dashboards.

    Option Notes


    Choose the collection from which to obtain data. If a dashboard is configured to let users choose among collections, select the collection from the Collections drop-down list at the top right of the dashboard.



    Enter the value to search.

    • To search for a specific value, enter a term or phrase and click Search.

    • To retrieve all data, enter *.* and click Search.

    Clear search box

    Clear search box

    Click to clear the search box and return the most general query, as if you entered *.*.

    Waiting for data

    Waiting for data

    Indicates the query is waiting for data to be returned. If the indicator spins for an extended time while other panels display data, the panel is not configured correctly.

    Select item

    Click a table row. In a graphical-visualization panel, click the data item.

    Not all panel types let you select data in this way.

    Export data

    Export data

    Click to enter the number of rows to export and select the destination file type. For example, CSV, XML, or JSON.


    Hide row

    Click to hide the row from the display.


    Expand row

    Click the row to display detailed information.

    Interact with specific types of panels

    The table describes options for specific types of panels.

    Table and text panels

    Option Notes

    Show or hide the field list

    Click the right or left arrow, respectively, at the top of the panel.

    Sort a table column

    Click the up arrow at the top of the column to sort in ascending order.

    Click the down arrow at the top of the column to sort in descending order.

    View next or previous page of hits

    Click the right or left arrow, respectively, at the bottom of the page of hits.

    View first page

    View first page

    Click to view the first page of hits for that particular panel.

    Show record details

    Click the table row and then select the display format of Table, JSON, or Raw.

    Hide details

    Click the up arrow at the top right of the details.

    Histogram and Range Facet panels

    The table describes options for the Histogram and Range Facet panels.

    Option Notes

    Zoom in on a subset of data

    Click the area you want to enlarge, then drag across the range of data to zoom in.

    Zoom Out

    Zoom out

    Click to zoom out.

    Filtering panels

    The table describes filter options for panels.

    Option Notes

    Edit Filter

    Edit filter

    Click to edit a panel filter.

    Toggle Filter

    Toggle filter

    Click to toggle the filter to the opposite setting (on or off).

    Remove Filter

    Remove filter

    Click to remove the current filter.

    To display correctly, specific filters must be set for certain types of panels. Fusion also creates filters based on your interactions with data. You can add a filter back, but there is no undo. Before you remove a filter, toggle off the filter and verify the results. If the results are accurate, it is safe to remove it.

    Heat Map panels

    The table describes the option for heat map panels.

    Option Notes

    Transpose Rows and Columns

    Transpose rows and columns

    Click to reverse the display of rows and columns.

    Filter by Fusion request ID

    To only display information about log entries with a specific Fusion request ID, you can filter the contents of a logs dashboard by the Fusion request ID.

    Filter the contents in the following ways:

    To view the dashboard for a Fusion UI API error or API error toast, click View logs dashboard. The system displays the dashboard using a filter for that request ID.

    API error with link in Fusion UI:

    View logs dashboard link in API error

    API error toast with link:

    View logs dashboard link in toast

    Filtered Service Logs dashboard:

    Click View logs dashboard to open the Service Logs dashboard with filters by the Fusion request ID. For example, the filtering query for the mdc_requestId_s field displays the fusion-request-id of BWQSjPPYgB.

    Service Logs dashboard filtered by request ID

    Filter in a logs dashboard

    This section only applies to Fusion versions prior to 5.4.0.

    You can filter the dashboards for service logs, access logs, and combined logs by Fusion request ID.

    To filter by Fusion request ID, complete the following:

    1. Obtain the Fusion request ID returned by a request. For example, notice the Fusion request ID BWQSjPPYgB returned by this API command:

      curl -v -u USERNAME:PASSWORD
      *   Trying
      * TCP_NODELAY set
      * Connected to ( port 8764 (#0)
      * Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
      > GET /api/apps/inventory HTTP/1.1
      > Host:
      > Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46UGFzc3dvcmQxMjM=
      > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
      > Accept: */*
      < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
      < Content-Type: application/json
      < fusion-request-id: BWQSjPPYgB
      < Server: Jetty(9.3.8.v20160314)
      < Set-Cookie: id=4962c806-f3b5-485f-8fb4-c20e608b700c;Path=/;HttpOnly
      < Content-Length: 394
      < Connection: close
        "type" : "RESTError",
        "httpStatusCode" : 404,
        "error" : "ERR-0003",
        "message" : "A web application error occurred",
        "details" : "The Fusion App with id 'inventory' does not exist",
        "cause" : null,
        "requestId" : "BWQSjPPYgB",
        "httpStatusMessage" : "Not Found",
        "localizedMessage" : "The Fusion App with id 'inventory' does not exist",
        "suppressed" : [ ],
        "class" : null
      * Closing connection 0
    2. Open the logs dashboard.

    3. Specify the Fusion request ID in the Filter panel, with a query for the mdc_requestId_s field that specifies the value of fusion-request-id for which you want to search.

    In this example, the fusion-request-id is BWQSjPPYgB:

    Add a filter for the Fusion request ID

    Append a query filter parameter to the dashboard URL

    As an alternative to constructing a query filter in the dashboard, you can append a query filter parameter to the dashboard URL. In the query filter, use the field name mdc_requestID_s.

    Example 1: Default dashboard (Service Logs)

    Default dashboard URL

    Example 2: Combined Logs dashboard

    Combined Logs URL

    Open the Service Logs dashboard from a job history

    1. Open the job history.

      • For most jobs, click Collections Collections > Jobs, select a job, and then click Job History.

      • For datasource jobs, click Indexing Indexing > Datasources, select a datasource, and then click Job History.

        In the job history, you will see a link named runId:

        Job history

    2. Click the link to view the Service Logs dashboard filtered by the runId:

      Service Logs dashboard filtered by runId