Legacy Product

Fusion 5.4

Upgrade the Appkit Social Module

These steps are only required if you are currently using the Appkit Social module – this is indicated by the presence of a <dependency> block in the pom.xml file at the root of your project that has an <artifactId> entry that starts with twigkit.social. If you are not using the Appkit Social module (i.e. there is no twigkit.social entry in your pom.xml), then you do not need to follow the steps in this section.
How to upgrade the Appkit Social module
  1. Remove the existing twigkit.social <dependency> block from your pom.xml file and replace it with the following:

  2. Create a configuration file named src/main/resources/conf/social/social.conf with the following contents:

    # Use conf/platforms/fusion/social.conf for Social module platform configuration
    platform: platforms.fusion.social

    The platform value indicates the name of the platform configuration file to use, which you will create in the next step.

  3. Create a configuration file named src/main/resources/conf/platforms/fusion/social.conf that contains the following (note that the name of the file matches the platform value configured in the previous step):

    # For every Fusion App, a corresponding YOUR_FUSION_APP_user_prefs collection is automatically created.
    # Appkit uses this collection for storing collaboration user-data.
    # Name of the collection to store user data in
    collection: YOUR_FUSION_APP_user_prefs
    # Name of the Query & Index pipelines to use - _system is the Fusion default
    # pipeline: _system
    # Enable writing new Social entities into the platform
    readOnly: false
    # Prevent users from searching this platform directly
    webservice-enabled: false

    Replace the string YOUR_FUSION_APP in the collection parameter with the name of the Fusion app you want to associate your social data with.