Class TextQuery

  • public class TextQuery
    extends ChangableValueQuery
    A query allowing search on a text string. The flexibility provided by this query makes it an ideal wrapper for unstructured query terms (such as come from a user-facing search bar).

    TextQuery supports several options for controlling how this text is used, most prominently which fields should be searched against and if/how proximity searching should be performed. See individual options for more details.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextQuery

        public TextQuery​(java.util.List<KeyAndBoost> fields,
                         java.util.List<KeyAndBoost> phraseFields,
                         java.lang.Integer phraseSlop,
                         java.lang.String minimumShouldMatch,
                         java.util.List<MinimumMatch> minimumMatch,
                         java.lang.Integer queryPhraseSlop,
                         java.lang.String value)
    • Method Detail

      • getFields

        public java.util.List<KeyAndBoost> getFields()
        the fields to search for the supplied text, along with per-field boosts indicating the relative importance of each field.
      • getPhraseFields

        public java.util.List<KeyAndBoost> getPhraseFields()
        the fields to phrase-search for the supplied text, along with per-field boosts indicating the relative importance of each field.
      • getMinimumShouldMatch

        public java.lang.String getMinimumShouldMatch()
        an expression signifying how many query terms in getValue() must be present for a document to be considered a match.

        May be specified as a positive integer (indicating the number of terms in absolute terms), a negative integer (indicating the number of terms relative to the total), a positive percentage (indicating the percent of query terms that must be present), or a negative percentage (indicting the percent of query terms that may be absent).

        If not specified, assumed default is "1"

      • getMinimumMatch

        public java.util.List<MinimumMatch> getMinimumMatch()
      • setMinimumMatch

        public void setMinimumMatch​(java.util.List<MinimumMatch> minimumMatch)
      • getPhraseSlop

        public java.lang.Integer getPhraseSlop()
        the "slop" used when detecting phrase matches for the entire value. Slop is a measure of how flexible phrase searches should be in matching documents - each unit of slop represents a movement of one token relative to another that is needed for a phrase query to match text in an underlying document. The higher the number, the more forgiving phrase searches are.
      • getQueryPhraseSlop

        public java.lang.Integer getQueryPhraseSlop()
        the "slop" used when evaluating phrase queries explicitly included in the provided value. (As opposed to phraseSlop which designates the slop used for matching the complete query string).
        See Also:
      • getValue

        public java.lang.String getValue()
        Specified by:
        getValue in class ChangableValueQuery
        a text string containing the query terms to search.
      • setFields

        public void setFields​(java.util.List<KeyAndBoost> fields)